February is known to be the love month because of Valentine's Day celebrated on the 14th. Celebrations focus on romantic love. Sale of flowers especially roses
rise tremendously. Restaurants and eating places are full of couples out on dates.
Decorative hearts that symbolize love are pasted on glass windows or hanged on ceilings creating an ambience of romantic love. It is indeed wonderful to love and be loved in return.
Filipinos are known to be great lovers. We are passionate as a people.
We are known as romantic lovers and great lovers of God and country.
Thus, it is very sad to see many people suffer as they live in squalor.
We see beautiful children of God exploited in child labor.
Many are unable to go to school and enjoy their rights as children.
Violation of human rights in our country do not depict our true nature as a loving people.
Our passionate love of our God and our country are not clearly manifested
when you look into police reports and hear that some policepersons themselves
are involved in the commission of many heinous crimes.
This reality is a very good point of individual and collective reflection.
It is good to reflect about our contribution to the joy and happiness or the misery
and loneliness in our families. In the same vein, it is important to do collective
reflection on what we are doing as citizens that contribute to the growth, progress,
and devlopment or the downfall, regression and deterioration of our country and our nation.
In my recent talks I have encouraged those in the law profession to reflect about the kind of
contribution we are making for our country and our nation.
It is a well known fact that our justice system is still in bad shape despite the clear desire of President PNOY, that judicial reform should take place. Half way in his administration,
we have not seen any substantial change in the justice system.
Resistance for transformation of the justice system is very strong.
Very recently a disgruntled court litigant begged for her story to be heard regarding her harrowing experience in pursuing justice. The Transformative Justice Institute being in the frontline in advocating for TRUTH TELLING accommodated her request. The appointment for two hours was extended to four hours. The stories she shared make me feel that the justice system is seemingly getting worse than better.
She shared among other horrible stories, that when they were about to take action
against a Branch Clerk of Court for extortion, the brods and sis of the latter in their
fraternity/sorority made a threat. She was told that she will encounter more difficulties
in pursuing her cases because of their many brods and sis who are holding strategic positions
in the various pillars of justice. After learning about who are in said fraternity/sorority
she desisted from taking any action against the Branch Clerk of Court despite the strong
evidence she has on hand.
In discussions that we conduct at the Transformative Justice Institute we are one
in saying that the way to counter the intertwining culture of partriarchy, corruption,
and impunity in the justice system is to promote the culture of love, justice, peace,
equality, honesty, and righteousness . The preamble of our 1987 Philippine Constitution
mentions love as it states:
"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty
God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a
government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, and conserve and develop our partrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of
independenc and democracy under the rule of law
and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution."
Lawyers and those tasked to administer justice in the Philippines must be in the frontline in
embracing, observing, complying and promoting the counter culture particularly in loving
God and our country. Lawyers are very influential. If only that power to influence will be
used in upholding the rule of law, our justice system will not be in a mess.
There is such a thing as a bandwagon mentality even in law schools. Law students desire to
belong and be part of fraternities/sororities which they perceive are well connected and
powerful. Early on, many of the law students take pride that their brods or sis are either
judges and justices and they can eventually use that connection to seek favor for their clients.
Stories abound that indeed fraternity/sorority ties have become a primary consideration
in the manner cases are decided.
If fraternities/sororities will decide to be part of those who will embrace and promote
the counter culture as provided for by law and resolve to truly demonstrate love of God
and country, the impact will surely be gigantic. It can turn around so many things
for our nation.
The breakdown of law and order will cease. The rule of law will prevail.
This would have tremendous impact in eliminating poverty.
Human rights of everyone will be upheld and respected.
We can finally enjoy genuine peace and democracy in our land.
Lawyers and administrators of justice are key players in attaining sustainable
human development. Once we focus in demonstrating love of God and country
as a collective, we will defeat the prevailing intertwining culture.
Come, let us show love from now on.
Jesus said in Luke 10:27; "Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,
and Love your neighbor as yourself."
Dory Cruz Avisado